Imagine having a daily meal of roast with gravy, potatoes, your favorite veggies, a crispy salad and a serving of ice-cream. Is it possible to eat all that food and lose weight?
The short answer is yes.
The long answer is yes if you're doing one meal a day intermittent fasting.
Eating just one meal a day isn't as hard as you may think, especially keeping in mind there are barely any restrictions when it comes to the foods you can consume.
One meal a day intermittent fasting gives you hardcore results without making you feel starved and deprived.
Not only does it contribute to sustainable, long term weight loss, it can also improve your health and slow down the aging process.
In fact, research reveals that intermittent fasting could be an effective management and therapeutic strategy for serious conditions like heart disease and even certain types of cancer.
While there are many ways to do intermittent fasting, one meal a day plans happen to be the most effective type if you want to:
Be slimmer, fitter and generally healthierTrain your body and your mindExperience a massive energy boost that lasts all-day longSustain mental clarity and focus for long periods of timeBe free from having to plan numerous meals every single dayIntermittent fasting is nothing new. It's been practiced for millennia by our predecessors. Romans ate just one meal a day to maintain sharpness. The same applied to warriors from numerous civilizations.
Today, elite athletes like Rhonda Rousey and Herschel Walker eat just one meal a day to boost their performance. If it works for them, it's definitely going to work for you.
In One Meal a Day Intermittent Fasting, you will discover:
And much more
Fasting is much easier than many people believe it to be. In addition, it's such a flexible approach towards health improvement, that you'll definitely find a routine that's just right for your needs.
You don't need to give up your favorite foods and you don't have to follow a strict nutritional schedule to make intermittent fasting work for you.
In fact, you remain in control the entire time. Not only that but you'll also enjoy a ton of freedom since meal prep is limited when you adopt the lifestyle.