From the award-winning author known for his uncompromising directedness in prose, Andrew Lafleche delivers again, in his first non-fiction narrative.
One Hundred Little Victories stridently documents the fallout of a single year in the wake of America's fastest growing religion. From the devastating Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando to the 300 shoppers massacred in Karrada, to the thousands of others across the globe, Lafleche captures the mortal threat radical Islam imposes on the world.
The second half of the text is dedicated to deconstructing "A Course in the Art of Recruiting," the text widely used by Al Qaeda and ISIS to recruit Westerners. Its Machiavellian efficiency is presented in its chilling entirety.
In 2016 there were 21,262 murders carried out by Islamic militants. Lafleche argues the number will only increase if we do not heed the admonition of Edmund Burke that, "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
One Hundred Little Victories is the siren song that radical Islam begins with Islam. It's what the unbelieving world needs right now.