You will be inspired and encouraged as you witness God's provision, direction, and faithfulness. What an affirmation of faith! - Anonymous
...I am so encouraged by it [the book], and was blown away at all the ways in which God provided for you [Chad Webb], and continues to do so in each of our lives! That's easy to miss sometimes, at least for me, and so I can't thank you enough for reminding me how much God loves us and hears us and answers us....if we just have faith that He'll come through. Definitely a game changer for me in this season of uncertainty. Your story is incredible, and I'm so inspired by your courage and hard work to tell it...God is so good! - Anonymous
In his early twenties, Chad Webb decided to hitchhike across the country with his friends to attend the Promise Keepers' Stand in the Gap event. A gathering which is commonly known as 'The Million Man Gathering' This is a story of his experience as he crosses the country and steps into the unknown.
Follow this young man's transformative journey of self-discovery and faith as he learns just how miraculous God's gifts are once you put your trust in Him. An intimate and moving account, this book will not only inspire but encourage you to deepen your own relationship with God.