German poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller's famous text on art, politics, and society
"The artist is certainly the child of his age, but all the worse for him if he is at the same time its pupil, even worse its minion." One of the most profound...
"Essential reading." -- New Society.
A classic of eighteenth-century thought, Friedrich Schiller's treatise on the role of art in society ranks among German philosophy's most profound works. In addition to its importance to the history of ideas, this 1795 essay remains...
Schiller's 1795 essay on the educative function of art is one of the most important contributions to the history of ideas in modern times. This English-German parallel text edition includes a long analytical introduction and extensive notes.
The history of education can easily be described as theme and variation on one motif: reform. From Plato's critique of the Sophists in Protagoras to John Henry Newman's considerations of education in The Idea of a University in 1854, from the educational projects of Maria Montessori,...
In his own time a significant dramatist and poet, a friend and correspondent of his contemporary Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Frederich Schiller (1759-1805) is celebrated today primarily as a philosopher. Indeed, he did not organize and finish the Letters for publication until...
18th century German philosopher, poet, and playwright, Friedrich Schiller began writing while he was in the army. Commanded to stop by his superiors he deserted the army, moved to another country, and began writing under a false name. Schiller was a deep-thinker on ethics...
By your permission I lay before you, in a series of letters, the results of my researches upon beauty and art. I am keenly sensible of the importance as well as of the charm and dignity of this undertaking. I shall treat a subject which is closely connected with the better portion...
Friedrich Schiller: ?ber die ?sthetische Erziehung des Menschen in einer Reihe von Briefen Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2015, 4. Auflage Vollst?ndiger, durchgesehener Neusatz mit einer Biographie des Autors bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger...
Friedrich Schiller: ber die sthetische Erziehung des Menschen in einer Reihe von Briefen Entstanden 1793-94, Erstdruck in: Die Horen (T bingen), 1. Jg., 1795, Heft 1, 2 und 6. Vollst ndige Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin...
Friedrich Schiller: Briefe ber die sthetische Erziehung des Menschen Entstanden 1793-94, Erstdruck in: Die Horen (T bingen), 1. Jg., 1795, Heft 1, 2 und 6. Vollst ndige Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2016. Textgrundlage...
El volumen consta de cuatro ensayos: Sobre lo pat tico, Reflexiones sobre el uso de lo vulgar y lo indigno en el arte, Sobre los l mites necesarios en el uso de las formas bellas y Sobre el provecho moral de las costumbres est ticas. Se ubican en la poca marcada hist ricamente...
""Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education Of Man"" is a philosophical work written by Friedrich Von Schiller, a German poet, playwright, and philosopher. The book is a series of letters written by Schiller to a friend, in which he explores the concept of aesthetic education and...
""Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education Of Man"" is a philosophical work written by Friedrich Von Schiller. It consists of a series of letters that Schiller wrote to a friend, discussing his ideas on the role of aesthetics in human development. In these letters, Schiller argues...
Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education Of Man is a philosophical treatise by German poet, playwright, and philosopher Friedrich von Schiller. Originally published in 1795, the book is a series of letters written by Schiller to a friend, discussing the importance of aesthetic education...
Schillers Briefe �����ber die �����sthetische Erziehung des Menschen (1875) sind eine Sammlung von Briefen des deutschen Dichters und Philosophen Friedrich Schiller. In diesen Briefen besch�����ftigt...
Schiller's 1795 essay on the educative function of art is one of the most important contributions to the history of ideas in modern times. This English-German parallel text edition includes a long analytical introduction and extensive notes.
Schillers Briefe �����ber die �����sthetische Erziehung des Menschen ist ein Buch von Friedrich Schiller, das erstmals im Jahr 1795 ver������ffentlicht wurde. Das Buch...