A selection of poetry by Francisco Brines, Spain's most eminent living poet. A fully bilingual text with preface. In November 2020 Brines was awarded the prestigious Cervantes Prize for Literature, widely regarded as equivalent to the Nobel, for a 'poetic work that goes from the carnal and the purely human to the metaphysical, to the spiritual, towards an aspiration of beauty and immortality', according to the jury. Translation was supported by the Ministry of Culture in Spain.
The book contains a unique memoir of Brines by the English novelist Rufus Gunn, author of A Friendship of Convenience.
Una selecci n de la poes a de Francisco Brines, el poeta contempor neo espa ol m s importante. Todos los textos y el prefacio biling es. En noviembre de 2020 Brines fue galardonado con el Premio Cervantes por 'su obra po tica que va de lo carnal y lo puramente humano a lo metaf sico, lo espiritual, hacia una aspiraci n de belleza e inmortalidad', seg n las palabras del jurado. Traducci n hecha con el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura de Espa a.
El escritor Rufus Gunn, autor de A Friendship of Convenience, rememora sus singulares encuentros con Francisco Brines.
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