Carla Coles's first three books - Zarf, Wont, and Pore - have been out of print for too long.
Now, finally, they have been collected in this new edition to be experienced by readers again.
"Words are the waveforms of our beating hearts,
silent until captured on pages by skilled poets like
Coles. Expect to find yourself in these pages."
Dayna Manning, Singer-Songwriter
ZARF: an oddly specific collection of poems for a tiny niche audience. A zarf (plural: zarfs, zuruuf, zarves) is a holder, usually of ornamental metal, for a coffee cup without a handle... Also, the cardboard ones you wrap around your Americano-to-go because we don't want you to burn your fingers . . .
WONT: Another oddly specific collection of poems for a tiny niche audience. Caf poetry, people watching and drinking coffee. Wont: Pronounced \w nt\ adjective Meaning: habit or ritual; customary behaviour in a given situation. From the middle English wonen, which meant to dwell . . .
PORE: One last oddly specific collection of poems for a tiny niche audience. Pore: pronounced \p r\ verb Meaning: to be absorbed in the reading or study of. From the Middle English pouren, to ponder. The last of the "Caf " book series.
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