In Oceanic Mind, you will learn:
The most powerful methods for attaining a much deeper state of meditation. You will learn how to create your own program using the methods that you are most compatible with as a unique individual.
How to create a rock solid customized warm up routine that prepares your mind and body for the deepest levels of meditation. You will find that meditation becomes surprisingly easier.
How to discover your most compatible meditation technique. Once you do this, meditation becomes much easier and more enjoyable for you.
How to integrate meditation into your daily life so that you create a powerful momentum of peace. This, in turn, drastically deepens your formal meditation practice. You will experience a snowball effect that will bring you deeper and deeper into a state of blissful peace with each passing day. You will also learn how to customize this integration strategy for full compatibility.
More than 60 meditation techniques and mind body training exercises that are explained in a way that is super easy to understand and follow. These include exercises for the physical body, emotions, imagination, breath, etc.
How to fit meditation into your busy schedule so that time is no longer an issue.
Buy Oceanic Mind today and accelerate your journey toward blissful living and lasting peace.
Tom Von Deck has been practicing meditation and mind body techniques since the late 1980's at approximately the age of 12.