Occult Thaumaturgic Arts is a book written by Sepharial, a renowned occultist and astrologer. The book delves into the world of magic and the occult, offering a detailed exploration of various thaumaturgic practices and rituals. Sepharial draws upon his extensive knowledge of...
Occult Thaumaturgic Arts is a book written by Sepharial, a renowned occultist and astrologer. The book is a comprehensive guide to the practice of thaumaturgy, which is the art of performing miracles or magic. Sepharial delves into the history of the occult and the various methods...
Occult Thaumaturgic Arts is a book written by Sepharial, a renowned British astrologer and occultist. The book is a comprehensive guide to the mystical and esoteric arts, covering a wide range of topics such as astrology, numerology, divination, talismans, and magical rituals.The...