Object-oriented programming is currently enjoying a large-scale adoption of its techniques and languages both in teaching and in real applications. As a paradigm O-OP has stimulated language-specific books and general introductions bound to one language (for example, Eiffel, Smalltalk, and C++). This book comes from France as the first comparative study of the many languages on offer for object-oriented programming. It introduces a general view of O-OP and follows with an extensive look at the features and advantages of the most common languages.
Object Oriented Languages provides a comprehensive introduction to the many diverse aspects of object-oriented programming through a broad tour of currently available object-oriented languages. The text has been designed for teaching an introductory course in the fundamentals of object-oriented programming.
An historic view of object-oriented languagesObject-oriented languages surveyed through their classification into Class-based, Frame-based, Actor-based, and Hybrid languagesComparative accounts of many languages: Smalltalk, Objective-C, Flavors, CLOS, Simula, C++, Eiffel, and KRLA case study comparing programming with a Class-based language (Smalltalk) and a more classical language (Ada)Implementations of three object-oriented languages with programming examples and illustrations throughoutGlossary of terms and listings of language vendors