"The classic account of the human tendency to follow orders, no matter who they hurt or what their consequences." -- Washington Post Book World In the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram famously carried out a series of experiments that...
Half a century ago, social scientist Stanley Milgram carried out a series of experiments. The "teacher" is told to administer electroshocks in progressively more painful degrees to the "learner." The teacher--unaware that the learner is an actor receiving no shocks at all--is...
In the 1960s Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram famously carried out a series of experiments that forever changed our perceptions of morality and free will. The subjects--or "teachers"--were instructed to administer electroshocks to a human "learner," with the shocks...
This well-designed and brilliantly executed research study, reported in an unusually fascinating and very readable style, reveals the elusive and sometimes shocking conditions under which men obey authority regardless of the morality involved.