"More ambitious than The Alchemist. A thought-provoking tale." - TIME magazine In The Fifth Mountain, Paulo Coelho takes us back to the ninth century, to the turbulent Middle East, where the prophet Elijah is struggling to keep his faith alive in a world...
"M s ambiciosa que El Alquimista. Una historia que nos hace reflexionar". TIME magazine En La quinta monta a, Paulo Coelho nos regresa al siglo IX, al turbulento Medio Oriente, donde el profeta El as enfrenta dificultades para conservar...
Immerse yourself in an electrifying reading experience like no other -- international bestselling author Paulo Coelho's The Fifth Mountain . A stunning novel in the tradition of the highly acclaimed The Alchemist, this is Coelho's daring retelling of the prophet Elijah. During...
Dice Elias, el profeta: "Hay momentos en los que el infortunio irrumpe en nuestra vida y no podemos evitarlo. Pero est ah por alguna raz n." En efecto, a veces el mundo parece que conspire contra nosotros, y es entonces cuando nos preguntamos "por que, tiene que pasarme a...
A Struggle of the Spirit and a Search for the Truth Written with the same masterful prose and clarity of vision that made The Alchemist an international phenomenon, The Fifth Mountain is Paulo Coelho's inspiring story of the Biblical prophet Elijah. In the ninth century B.C.,...
La Quinta Montana cuenta la historia del profeta Elias, un hombre que recibe de Dios la orden de abandoner Israel. En un mundo regido por supersticiones, conflictos religiosos y tradiciones profundamente arraigades, el joven profeta debera enfrentarse a una avalanche de acontecimientos...
Elijah, a biblical prophet in the Middle East during the ninth century B.C., confronts the evil of the pagan Phoenician princess Jezebel and finds love in the strange land of Zarephath with a young widow, only to have his new-found happiness shattered by tragedy.
"More ambitious than The Alchemist. A thought-provoking tale." - TIME magazine In The Fifth Mountain, Paulo Coelho takes us back to the ninth century, to the turbulent Middle East, where the prophet Elijah is struggling to keep his faith alive in a world of constant...
"More ambitious than The Alchemist. A thought-provoking tale." - TIME magazine In The Fifth Mountain, Paulo Coelho takes us back to the ninth century, to the turbulent Middle East, where the prophet Elijah is struggling to keep his faith alive in a world of constant...