This solo piano edition of Tchaikovsky's masterful Christmas ballet offers pianists a chance to enjoy favorites such as "The Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy" and "The Waltz of the Flowers." Entirely faithful to Tchaikovsky's brilliant orchestral score, this delightful arrangement...
Tchaikovsky's enchanting Christmas fairy tale is his most popular work and, along with Swan Lake, the world's most frequently performed ballet. The work is a masterpiece of orchestration (including the historic first use of the celesta, in Dance of the Sugar-Plum...
This volume includes some of the most favorite selections from the ballet, including Russian Dance," "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy" and "Waltz of the Flowers." The story of "The Nutcracker" is provided to help players musically recreate scenes from this classic ballet. Bound...
(Piano Solo Songbook). 8 wonderful piano solo arrangements of one of the world's most recognizable works. Featuring: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy * March * Russian Dance (Trepak) * Waltz of the Flowers * and more.
A charming tale of a young girl and her beloved nutcracker . . . what better way to celebrate the holiday season than with a piano duet collaboration of great accessible arrangements from The Nutcracker Ballet. Ideal for intermediate to late intermediate pianists, these enjoyable...
This volume includes some of the most favorite selections from the ballet, including Russian Dance," "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy" and "Waltz of the Flowers." The story of "The Nutcracker" is provided to help players musically recreate scenes from this classic ballet. Bound...
Tchaikovsky's enchanting Christmas fairy tale is his most popular work and, along with Swan Lake, the world's most frequently performed ballet. The work is a masterpiece of orchestration (including the historic first use of the celesta, in Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy ) and...
(Piano Large Works). From the seasonal classic, includes: Arabian Dance * Chinese Dance * Dance of the Reed Flutes * Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy * March * Overture * Russian Dance * Waltz of the Flowers.
(Easy Piano Songbook). 7 easy piano arrangements from Tchaikovsky's beloved ballet. Includes Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy.
Study a classic this holiday season Multiple narrators (speaking in rhyming verse) tell the story of little Clara's dreamlike Christmas adventure to the Nutcracker's magical land. Whether performed in concert program style or with full staging, teachers will take suite" delight...
Completed in 1892, Tchaikovsky's entertaining masterpiece is one of the most popular pieces ever created for ballet. A perennial favorite in theaters and concert halls -- especially at Christmastime -- The Nutcracker vividly displays the composer's virtuosity in creating...
(For Classical Players). Selections from Tchaikovsky's beloved Nutcracker ballet are now available in authentic, detailed arrangements for solo instrument and piano. Perfect for the holiday season Includes online piano accompaniments for download or streaming. Contents: Arabian...
(Instrumental). Selections from Tchaikovsky's beloved Nutcracker ballet are now available in authentic, detailed arrangements for solo instrument and piano. Perfect for the holiday season Includes online piano accompaniments for download or streaming. Contents: Arabian Dance...
(Piano Duet). One Piano, Four Hands.
(Instrumental Play-Along). Play along with 10 pieces from the beloved holiday ballet, including: Arabian Dance ("Coffee") * Chinese Dance ("Tea") * Dance of the Reed-Flutes * Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy * Final Waltz and Apotheosis * March from the Nutcracker * Overture * Russian...
Study a classic this holiday season! Multiple narrators (speaking in rhyming verse) tell the story of little Clara's dreamlike Christmas adventure to the Nutcracker's magical land. Whether performed in concert program style or with full staging, teachers will take suite" delight...