1. Millimeter Wave for Gigabit Wireless
1.1 Millimeter Waves for Gigabit Wireless1.2 Millimeter Wave 5G Frequency Bands
1.2.1 The 28-GHz Band
1.2.2 Propagation Losses
1.2.3 Channel Characteristics
1.2.4 Link Budget
1.3 Millimeter Wave Antennas1.3.1 Antenna Design and Requirements
1.4 Millimeter Wave MIMO and Beamforming1.5 Conclusion
2. Metamaterials and Anisotropic Media Realization for mmWave Applications
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Metamaterials for Antennas
2.3 Uniaxial Anisotropic Media for mmWaves
2.3.1 Media Properties
2.3.1 Unit Cell and Metamaterial Realization
2.4 Biaxial Media for mmWave Antennas
2.4.1 Media Properties and Antenna Applications
2.5 Propagation of Waves through Uniaxial Anisotropic Media
2.6 Propagation of Waves Through Biaxial Anisotropic Media
2.7 Conclusion
3. mmWave High Gain Antennas
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Antenna Gain versus Size3.3 Gain Enhancement Techniques
3.4Related Subjects
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