Was it Jules's fault he was nearly six-foot-tall and two hundred pounds of dark chocolate and unafraid to walk down the most dangerous streets in Chicago? He never looked for trouble. He couldn't help being big. That was genetics. Unlucky in love and destined to wile away his life just working and hanging out with his friends it was sheer luck and his best friend, Max, who took him to a pop-up club on Lower Wacker Drive to get over a girl. At the club, Jules meets and falls for a streetwise stunner named Bethany. Little does Jules know the chance meeting will lead to a series of events which will test him and make him question the need for love and his desire to guard his heart. In Nothing Simple or Easy Jules tries to figure out many things in the rough and tumble of Chicago's near Northside as he criss crosses gangland territories, struggles with love versus lust as well as trust and openness, but the most important lesson he hopes to learn is why is love never simple or easy?