Christians in every age have faced battles with their culture. For Noah, it was atheistic anarchy. For Moses, it was the brutality of Egypt. For David, it was the insurgence of the Philistines. For Israel, it was the delights of heathen idols. For those in captivity, it was the comforts of Babylon. For Jesus and the apostles, it was religious legalism. For Augustine and the true church, it was the heresies of Nestorius. For Luther, it was the corruption of the gospel of grace. For Spurgeon and the great preachers, it was scientific unbelief. Now, in our day, it is all of the above, along with status quo-ism, routine-ism, traditionalism, and materialism thrown on top of all of these historical enemies of God and His gospel.
How can the average Christian survive this onslaught by the enemies of God and Christ? In this little book, the author asserts that victory lies only in the individual Christian and his pursuit, through the Word of God, God's character and sovereignty, and the Christian's ability, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to ascend up the "ladder" into the glorious image of Christ. The author explains to the reader the problem as it exists today and how he navigated through our anti-Christ, turbulent culture.
Solo Christo Gloria