Is it possible to disagree politically and love unconditionally? The reaction of evangelicals to political and cultural shifts in recent years revealed what they value most. Lurking beneath our Bible-laced rhetoric, faith claims, books, and sermons is a relentless...
Is it possible to disagree politically and love unconditionally? The reaction of evangelicals to political and cultural shifts in recent years revealed what they value most. Lurking beneath our Bible-laced rhetoric, faith claims, books, and sermons is a relentless drive...
Es posible discrepar pol ticamente y amar incondicionalmente? La reacci n de los evang licos a los cambios pol ticos y culturales en los ltimos a os, revel lo que m s valoran. Al acecho debajo de nuestra ret rica atada a la Biblia, afirmaciones de fe, libros y sermones...
Es posible discrepar pol ticamente y amar incondicionalmente? La reacci n de los evang licos a los cambios pol ticos y culturales en los ltimos a os, revel lo que m s valoran. Al acecho debajo de nuestra ret rica atada a la Biblia, afirmaciones de fe, libros y sermones...
Is it possible to disagree politically and love unconditionally? The reaction of evangelicals to political and cultural shifts in recent years revealed what they value most. Lurking beneath our Bible-laced rhetoric, faith claims, books, and sermons is a relentless drive...