Not for the Faint of Heart was written from a heart of compassion with a spirit of brokenness by one who has not lost the will to fight. Within each of us, there is a fighter looking for deliverance from the monotonous, the mundane, and, most of all, from hurt and pain. It is a search for a life worth living, one that involves making a difference and finding fulfillment. The path to this life is easily found, but the Way will demand you to follow with your whole heart, never turning back. If you choose this path, your life can become a journey as each new day dawns filled with great and magnificent promises. Your courage and commitment will be challenged as you learn the mystery of a hidden strength from deep within from a reserve you never really knew. Your heart will be filled with love, joy, peace, and the assurance of hope for every tomorrow. Come, taste and see if this is what your heart has been searching for.