This book is a continued journey through the fog of my memory. As with book one "Norky's Ramblings" it includes stories, anecdotes and tales short and tall, from friends, family but mostly of my own. All stories are true, as far as memory and adequate research has allowed. Even the stories that may appear to be a tale taller than the ordinary are still true, mostly, no really they are honest.
There is no start, middle or end to this book. The only chronological order that this book may have is that each chapter appears in the book in the order that they sprang into my mind.
A topic would jump into my head and I would sit down at the keyboard and start writing before the memory drifted into the ether, but within just a few lines my train of thought would shoot off in an entirely different direction, a process which I still find fascinating, and of course why the books are a ramble.