After a devastating flood orphaned Noelle Brown, she thought her handsome and charming benefactor, Andrew Paige, could be the man of her dreams. So why did his steely-eyed older stepbrother, Jared Dunn, make her heart race and her breath catch in her throat? Desperado turned...
After a devastating flood orphaned Noelle Brown, she thought her handsome and charming benefactor, Andrew Paige, could be the man of her dreams. So why did his steely-eyed older stepbrother, Jared Dunn, make her heart race and her breath catch in her throat? Desperado turned...
Tras quedar hu rfana a causa de una devastadora inundaci n, Noelle Brown pens que su atractivo y encantador benefactor, Andrew Paige, podr a ser el hombre de sus sue os, as que no entend a por qu se le aceleraba el coraz n y se quedaba sin aliento cada vez que ve a a Jared...