I love everything about being a kindergarten teacher. The kids. The glitter glue. The stickers. The rainbow-colored tables. The sizzling hot single parents. Wait--what?
For a long time teaching Kindergarteners was enough for me. My days were filled with love and laughter and I would come home, exhausted and defeated. Now, in my 7th year teaching, and after seeing my siblings all pairing up, I decide to try my luck online.
Much like Cinderella in the Rogers and Hammerstein musical, the stars aligned and I found the perfect man on the first try He loves show tunes just as much as I do, he's smart and kind, and we hit it off right away. And things get messy, like glitter glue messy There's only one small problem... my dream guy's daughter is one of my students and what should be one plus one suddenly becomes much more complicated.