No Surrender V3 (1879) is a historical fiction novel written by E. Werner. The book is set in the late 17th century during the reign of King William III in England. The story follows the life of a young Englishman named Richard Shelton who is caught up in the political and religious...
No Surrender V3 (1879) is a historical novel written by E. Werner. The book is set in the late 19th century and follows the story of a group of rebels fighting for their freedom against the oppressive Spanish government in Cuba. The main character, Carlos, is a young Cuban man...
No Surrender, has been acknowledged as a major work throughout human history, and we have taken precautions to assure its preservation by republishing this book in a modern manner for both present and future generations. This book has been completely retyped, revised, and reformatted...
The whole landscape lay in bright sunshine. Clear as a mirror gleamed the broad smooth surface of the lake, faithfully reflecting the image of the town which rose in picturesque beauty on its shores, whilst in the distance, vividly distinct, appeared the jagged peaks and dazzling...