April, 1912. Edwina Winfield is returning to New York from her engagement trip to England with her fianc , Charles, her parents and her five siblings. Deeply in love, she and Charles are looking forward to beginning their new life together. They are travelling on the...
It was the maiden voyage of the Titanic, the greatest ship ever built, and in one fatal, unforgettable night, the sea shattered the lives and future of an extraordinary family, the Winfields. Edwina Winfield, retuming from her engagement trip to England with her fiance and her...
It was the maiden voyage of the Titanic, the greatest ship ever built, and in one fatal, unforgettable night, the sea shattered the lives and future of an extraordinary family, the Winfields. Edwina Winfield, returning from her engagement trip to England with her fiance and her...
It was the maiden voyage of theTitanic, the greatest ship ever built, and in one fatal, unforgettable night, the sea shattered the lives and future of an extraordinary family, the Winfields. Edwina Winfield, returning from her engagement trip to England with her fiance and her...
It was the maiden voyage of theTitanic, the greatest ship ever built, and in one fatal, unforgettable night, the sea shattered the lives and future of an extraordinary family, the Winfields. Edwina Winfield, retuming from her engagement trip to England with her fianc? and her...