Soon to be a Hulu original film: a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat thriller about a determined young woman who struggles to save a kidnapped child while trapped in a blizzard--and who must unmask and outwit a deviously twisted psychopath before it's too late. A...
"What a box of tricks! This full-throttle thriller, dark and driving, rivals Agatha Christie for sheer ingenuity and James Patterson for flat-out speed. Swift, sharp, and relentless." -- A. J. Finn, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Woman in the Window A...
"What a box of tricks! This full-throttle thriller, dark and driving, rivals Agatha Christie for sheer ingenuity and James Patterson for flat-out speed. Swift, sharp, and relentless." -- A. J. Finn, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Woman in the Window A...
"What a box of tricks! This full-throttle thriller, dark and driving, rivals Agatha Christie for sheer ingenuity and James Patterson for flat-out speed. Swift, sharp, and relentless." -- A. J. Finn, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Woman in the Window A...
"What a box of tricks! This full-throttle thriller, dark and driving, rivals Agatha Christie for sheer ingenuity and James Patterson for flat-out speed. Swift, sharp, and relentless." -- A. J. Finn, #1 New York Times...