Ya sea que quieras asegurar un match astral en la primera cita con tu crush Sagitario, quedar bien con tu jefe Aries o dejar de pelear con tu mam la m s Tauro, en No culpes a la Luna encontrar s todo el conocimiento que la astrolog a puede aportar a tus relaciones personales y, sobre todo, aprender s a utilizarlo a tu favor para llevarte bien con (casi) todo el mundo. Eso s , antes de que te lances al ruedo, quiero dejar en claro que la astrolog a jam s reemplazar una buena lloradita reparadora en terapia.
Bienvenide a tu etapa brujil
Whether you want to know if your Sagittarius crush is your astral match, you want tips on how to impress an Aries boss, or you want to stop fighting with your mom (a textbook Taurus ), you've come to the right place. In No culpes a la luna, the stars will give you all the advice you seek, as well as teach you how to wield witchy powers in your favor, so you can get along with (almost) everyone. Just like they do online, Mika Vidente will interpret the Zodiac and tell you exactly how to respond to that text when Mercury's in retrograde. Filled with text, emojis and illustrations, Mika's tips will improve your work life, your friendships, and even your sex life. Welcome to your witchy era