Published just two years before Jos Rizal's national epic, Touch Me Not, Pedro A. Paterno's N nay is a cultural novel that portrays Philippine society to an international non-Filipino audience.
Considered to be the first novel published by a Native Filipino author, N nay follows the life, love and death of a young woman named Antonina Milo y Buisan, or "N nay" for short. Her story is told by a young man named Taric to an unknown narrator over the course of the nine-day vigil of Pasiyam. Recounting the passionate affair in the time of cholera between N nay and the highly regarded Don Carlos Mabagsic, Taric explores the journey of two young lovers and the events that lead to their eventual separation.
Professionally typeset with a beautifully designed cover, this edition of N nay is a reimagining of a Filipino classic for the modern reader.