Nirmala is a compelling and heart-wrenching tale that explores the themes of love, sacrifice, and societal expectations. Munshi Premchand's poignant storytelling brings to life the struggles of a young girl caught in the oppressive grip of tradition. This edition features:...
Munshi Premchand is the greatest figure in twentieth-century Hindi literature and Nirmala is one of his most well-known novels. Apart from being acknowledged as a classic in Hindi literature, it is a milestone in the development of Premchand's creative genius. While it has been...
अद्भुत कथाशिल्पी प्रेमचंद की कृति 'निर्मला' दहेज...
Premchand's novella Nirmala, first published in 1928, is one of the most poignant novels in Hindi on the theme of the young adolescent yoked to an elderly husband. Clearly reformist in its agenda, this novel succeeds in exploring sensitive and even dangerous terrain. Alok Rai's...
Early 20th century famous Indian Hindi novel writer Munshi Premchand was born in the year 1880 at 31st of July in the Lamhi village of Varanasi. The birth name of him is Dhanpat Rai. Finally his name becomes changed to the Munshi Premchand. His first name Munshi is an honorary...
Premchand's novella Nirmala, first published in 1928, is one of the most poignant novels in Hindi on the theme of the young adolescent yoked to an elderly husband. Clearly reformist in its agenda, this novel succeeds in exploring sensitive and even dangerous terrain. Alok Rai's...
Premchand's novella Nirmala, first published in 1928, is one of the most poignant novels in Hindi on the theme of the young adolescent yoked to an elderly husband. Clearly reformist in its agenda, this novel succeeds in exploring sensitive and even dangerous terrain. Alok Rai's...
'निर्मला' - प्रेमचंद जी द्वारा लिखा हुआ महान उपन्यास...
समाज, सामाजिक संबंधों का जाल है। इन्हीं संबंधों...
His real name was Dhanpat Rai but he is better known by his pen name Munshi Premchand. He has been read and studied both in India and abroad as one of the greatest writers of the century. Premchand's literary career started as a freelancer in Urdu. In his initial short stories...
Nirmala This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The...