This 1818 novel is set in a former abbey whose owner, Christopher Glowry, is host to visitors who enjoy his hospitality and engage in endless debate. Among these guests are figures recognizable to Peacock's contemporaries, including characters based on Lord Byron and Samuel Taylor...
Despite its ominously sounding title, Nightmare Abbey is a Gothic topical satire in which the author pokes light-hearted fun at the romantic movement in contemporary English literature, in particular its obsession with morbid subjects, misanthropy and transcendental philosophical...
Nightmare Abbey, a venerable family-mansion, in a highly picturesque state of semi-dilapidation, pleasantly situated on a strip of dry land between the sea and the fens, at the verge of the county of Lincoln, had the honour to be the seat of Christopher Glowry, Esquire. This...
Nightmare Abbey is a novella by Thomas Love Peacock, it is a classic that has been enjoyed by many for generations and is his third long work of fiction to be published.
This 1818 novel is set in a former abbey whose owner, Christopher Glowry, is host to visitors who enjoy his hospitality and engage in endless debate. Among these guests are figures recognizable to Peacock's contemporaries, including characters based on Lord Byron and Samuel Taylor...
Thomas Love Peacock (1785-1866) is one of the most distinctive prose satirists of the Romantic period. The Cambridge Edition of the Novels of Thomas Love Peacock offers the first complete text of his novels to appear for more than half a century. Nightmare Abbey (1818), Peacock's...
Nightmare Abbey is a satirical novel written by Thomas Love Peacock in 1818. The story is set in an old, decaying Gothic mansion called Nightmare Abbey, which is located in a remote part of England. The protagonist of the story is a young man named Scythrop who is a romantic...
Nightmare Abbey is a satirical novel written by Thomas Love Peacock, first published in 1818. The story is set in the fictional Abbey of Glendower, where the melancholic and cynical Scythrop Glowry lives with his eccentric father, Mr. Glowry. Scythrop is in love with the beautiful...
Nightmare Abbey is a satirical novel written by Thomas Love Peacock. The story is set in a Gothic-style abbey in England and follows the character of Scythrop, a melancholic and disillusioned young man who is obsessed with the idea of love. Scythrop's father, who is also the...
"Nightmare Abbey" from Thomas Love Peacock. English novelist, poet, and official of the East India Company (1785-1866).
"Tom Jones is a classic English novel that captures the spirit of its age and whose famous characters have come to represent Augustan society in all its loquacious, turbulent, comic variety." The Guardian iBoo Classics This book...
Set in a former abbey whose owner, Christopher Glowry, is host to visitors who enjoy his hospitality and engage in endless debate. Among these guests are figures recognizable to Peacock's contemporaries, including characters based on Lord Byron and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Mr...