A boy is imprisoned by a witch and must tell her a new scary story each night to stay alive. This thrilling contemporary fantasy from J. A. White, the acclaimed author of the Thickety series, brings to life the magic and craft of storytelling. Alex's...
A boy is imprisoned by a witch and must tell her a new scary story each night to stay alive. This thrilling contemporary fantasy from J. A. White, the acclaimed author of the Thickety series, brings to life the magic and craft of storytelling. Alex's...
Sabes que las cosas no pueden ir a peor si una escapada nocturna acaba contigo encerrado en el piso de una bruja. Y te das cuenta de lo equivocado que estabas y de que todo puede empeorar cuando te despiertas y ves que, lo que cre?as haber so?ado, no era, ni de lejos, una pesadilla...
J. A. White, acclaimed author of the Thickety series, delivers a thrilling contemporary middle grade fantasy that highlights the magic of storytelling when one young boy is imprisoned by a witch in a New York apartment and must tell her a new scary story each night to stay...