"Prayer is a very precious medicine, one that helps and never fails" Martin LutherThere is no monotony in the prayer salutations of Luther. He is as one in continual conversation with God.
It is clear that Luthers faith and confession became devotion and prayer, and his interpretation was rooted and strengthened and nourished in this. Luthers powerful prayers are on topics spanning all of life: the soldier, employer, politician, pastor, sick person, parent, newlywed, teacher.
Five hundred years later, these prayers still ring true today, calling us into an ever-closer relationship with God.
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Contemporary Fiction Genre Fiction Ghosts Horror Literature & Fiction Short StoriesOver the course of the past 6 or 7 months I have been slowly working my way through the book "Luther's Prayers". The book is only 100 pages long, so I made it my practice to read through each of the prayers devotionally. I have to admit that this was something of a strange practice for me as one who has grown up in evangelical circles, I've never really thought about reading through prayers or making other people's prayer...
These thoughtful and sometimes painfully honest prayers will be a great add to anyone's daily prayer life. "Dear God , if only we were as diligent to pray, at least with a longing in the heart, as you are in coaxing, bidding, commanding, assuring, and constraining us to pray. Unfortunately, we are too lazy and ungrateful!"
Excellent, just what I was looking for.
The prayers of Martin Luther are ideal for daily reference and support for Christians. I like the topical format and clear concise language. Luther's gift of humility shines in this work while giving glory to God for mercy and grace continuously.
This book of Luthers prayers brought great comfort to me during some difficult times in my life. Luthers personal insight into the sins, trials and tribulations of the every Christian is shown here in these very inspiring prayers. I just wish it was still available in the small red hardcover.