In this exhilarating new medical thriller by bestselling author Robin Cook, fan favorites Jack and Laurie are lured into the dark underbelly of hospital dangers when an internist dies mysteriously. Colleagues-turned-spouses Dr. Laurie Montgomery and Dr. Jack Stapleton...
In this exhilarating new medical mystery-thriller by Robin Cook, fan favorites Jack and Laurie are lured into the dark underbelly of hospital dangers when an internist is murdered. Colleagues-turned-spouses Dr. Laurie Montgomery and Dr. Jack Stapleton already have...
" In this exhilarating medical mystery-thriller by Robin Cook, fan favorites Jack and Laurie are lured into the dark underbelly of hospital dangers when an internist is murdered. Colleagues turned spouses Dr. Laurie Montgomery and Dr. Jack Stapleton...
In this exhilarating new medical thriller by bestselling author Robin Cook, fan favorites Jack and Laurie are lured into the dark underbelly of hospital dangers when an internist dies mysteriously. Colleagues-turned-spouses Dr. Laurie Montgomery and Dr. Jack Stapleton...