It may seem the Fatima all-night vigils of reparation to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts are a thing of the past. But not so. In John Haffert's classic Night of Love, the reader understands the message of Fatima from personal experience, from personal reparation. This book shows you how you can help save a thousand souls in one night of sacrificial love. His program is largely still followed in all-night vigils around the country, including at St. John the Baptist church in midtown Manhattan where it all began in 1969.
In this revised edition, the book offers an hour-by-hour companion for making reparation to Jesus in the Eucharist--whether that be one hour of adoration, a partial night vigil on First Friday or an all-night vigil until First Saturday morning, incorporating reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
"Night of Love is a classic treasure that should not be lost. It is a blueprint for victory in the war with secularism that we fight each day. Only through selfless prayer and sacrifice will we bring order back to this world. . .It is a great tool for those seeking holiness."--David Carollo, Executive Director, World Apostolate of Fatima, USA.
"Some people wonder why someone would come here on a Friday night for an all-night vigil. The people who come are the ones still populating the church. I simply refer to them as the 'widow's mite'; they make the greatest sacrifice."--Father John Riordan, CAP, St. John the Baptist Church/St. Padre Pio Shrine, New York City, NY.
"This is the cloister brought into the word " - Pope St. John XXIII