La cr?nica de un secuestro colectivo, magistralmente retratado por Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez. Ahora una serie en Prime Video, protagonizada por Cristina Uma?a, Juan Pablo Raba, Majida Issa, Carmenza G?mez, Julieth Restrepo, Nydia Quintero y m?s. En 1990, temiendo...
In 1990, fearing extradition to the United States, Pablo Escobar - head of the Medell n drug cartel - kidnapped ten notable Colombians to use as bargaining chips. With the eye of a poet, Garc a M rquez describes the survivors' perilous ordeal and the bizarre drama of the negotiations...
This astonishing book by the Nobel laureate Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez chronicles the 1990 kidnappings of ten Colombian men and women--all but one a journalist--by the Medell?n drug boss Pablo Escobar. The carefully orchestrated abductions were Escobar's attempt to extort from the...
Consumed these past twenty years by a "biblical holocaust," Colombia has endured leftist insurgencies, right-wing death squads, currency collapses, cholera epidemics, and, most recently and corrosively, drug trafficking. Returning to his days as a reporter for El Espectador,...
Era, en efecto, el automovil de Maruja. Habia transcurrido por lo menos media hora desde el secuestro, y solo quedaban los rastros: el cristal del lado del chofer destruido por un balazo, la mancha de sangre y el granizo de vidrio en el asiento, y la sombra humeda en el asfalto,...