One fateful day narrator William Guest falls asleep after returning from a Socialist League meeting and awakes to find himself years in the future. This world is a socialist pastoral paradise in which capitalism, private property, and industry have been overthrown and where...
One of the most literary and readable of utopian novels, News from Nowhere chronicles the impressions of a nineteenth-century visitor to the twenty-second century, who finds England transformed into a socialist paradise. Morris' idyllic society echoes themes from the writings...
News from Nowhere(1890) is the best-known prose work of William Morris and the only significant English utopia to be written since Thomas More's. The novel describes the encounter between a visitor from the nineteenth century, William Guest, and a decentralized and humane socialist...
News from Nowhere is a classic work combining utopian socialism and soft science fiction written by the artist, designer and socialist pioneer William Morris. In the book, the narrator, William Guest, falls asleep after returning from a meeting of the Socialist League and awakes...
Up at the League, says a friend, there had been one night a brisk conversational discussion, as to what would happen on the Morrow of the Revolution, finally shading off into a vigorous statement by various friends of their views on the future of the fully-developed new society...
News from Nowhere is a visionary utopian novel that chronicles a time traveler's quest for love and friendship in a future ideal world. "Nowhere" is in fact a literal translation of the word "utopia." This compelling, imaginative narrative envisions a socialist society that values...
Written in 1890, at the close of William Morris's most intense period of political activism, News from Nowhereis a compelling articulation of his mature views on art, work, community, family, and the nature and structure of the ideal society. A utopian narrative of a future society,...
William Morris was a 19th century British novelist best known for helping pioneer the fantasy genre .
News from Nowhere (1890) is the most famous work of one of the greatest British writers and thinkers, William Morris. It is a utopian picture of a future communist society, drawing on the work of Ruskin and Marx and written in response to what Morris saw as soulless and mechanical...
News From Nowhere is a novel written by William Morris and first published in 1890. Complete and unabridged.
This is England -- but an England none have ever seen and perhaps none will ever see: for it is a country of the future, when the blights of poverty and inequity have been corrected and cured and when the sky-blackening industries of the Modern Age have been...
News from Nowhere(1890) is the best-known prose work of William Morris and the only significant English utopia to be written since Thomas More's. The novel describes the encounter between a visitor from the nineteenth century, William Guest, and a decentralized and humane socialist...
William Morris (1834 - 1896) was an English novelist, poet, and social activist. Morris was especially famous for his contributions to the modern fantasy genre.
A new edition of William Morris?'s classic text of British socialism.
Le narrateur, William Guest, revient d'une r union publique socialiste agit e et s'endort chez lui. son r veil, il se retrouve dans le futur, en l'an 2102: il d couvre une nouvelle soci t , communiste, galitaire, caract ris e -- l'inverse de celle d crite par Edward Bellamy...
"This astute and long overdue reappraisal provides a lucid overview and a wealth of contextual information. An excellent resource." -- Shannon L. Rogers, Saint Joseph's University, Editor, Newsletter of the William Morris Society in the United States
News from Nowhere (1890) is a classic work combining utopian socialism and soft science fiction written by the artist, designer and socialist pioneer William Morris. It was first published in serial form in the Commonweal journal beginning on 11 January 1890. In the novel, the...
News from Nowhere(1890) is the best-known prose work of William Morris and the only significant English utopia to be written since Thomas More's. The novel describes the encounter between a visitor from the nineteenth century, William Guest, and a decentralized and humane socialist...