Although Scarlett Caldwell has been reunited with her family after nearly a decade, her luck has run out. An imposter lives within the mind of Cain Hawkins, controlling his very being. With his memory wiped and his personality reverted to that of a loyal Exterminator, Scarlett will have to risk her life and reputation to save him...before it's too late.
Tensions throughout the nation skyrocket as Immortal militia groups, settlements, and communities continue to rise. A cross-country journey sends Scarlett and her allies into the thick of a powerful coalition with an elaborate plan-and there is no one better to join than the most famous Immortal fugitives. However, when the true antics behind President Wilde's experiments are revealed, the country will be shaken, and the definition of Immortality will never be the same again.
The last installment of the Neverdying series, Nevermore, combines everything readers love about the first three books in an electrifying conclusion.
Will you survive the revolution?