This handy 6 x 9 lined notebook is A great inexpensive gift idea for any makes a great birthday, couple anniversary Gift For Elephant lovers
120 Page Journal Features:
Composition Book Size 6 x 9 inch- - -
More about this Product:
120 Page Notebook for Girls & Boys, Men & Women to write in
This simple, classic 8.5 x 11 inch soft cover paperback girly light pastel mint composition book stands out primarily for having a LOT of pages 120 pages to be exact, so be prepared - it's a thick note book being 1 inch thick, or 2.5cm thick if you prefer your measurements in centimeters.
You can use it as a:
- 120 page journal (lined) or diary,
- 120 page notebook (ruled),
- 120 page primary composition book (or comp book)
- 120 page exercise book or workbook / work book
- 120 page writing pad
It contains 60 sheets of paper, which when written on on both sides gives 120 pages for you to write on.
Since it contains this many pages, you can also use this as a 365 page journal or notebook if you want to do a project to write a page a day for a year - and you'll have some spare pages if you feel like writing a little more than 1 page on some days.
Simple, plain, classic and stylish, the composition book journal cover feels both timeless and traditional, as well as being modern, contemporary, and unisex.
The interior of this composition notebook contains the standard 7.1mm spaced lines, which is standard for Medium Ruled / College-ruled paper, with its 120 pages (60 spreads), being perfect bound.
A great notepad for use at work, in the office, at school, college, university, home or anywhere you desire. The perfect piece of stationery to complete your collection of paper writing pads or office supplies.
WIth its simple unisex design, it's perfect for men, for women, for girls or for boys, young and old, from school kids in grade school, to high school teens, college kids, uni students or office workers. It's suitable for all
Great for writing, planning, doodling, journaling, note taking and keeping track of your ideas, plans, doodles, notes and thoughts.
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For customers who speak other languages, this product is a notebook, which in other languages is called:
- In Spanish: 120 p ginas cuaderno, diario
- In German: 120 seiten Notizbuch, Tagebuch
- In Italian: taccuino, rivista, Quaderno da 120 pagine (60 fogli)
- In Dutch: 120 pagina notitieboekje, dagboek (60 vel)
- In French: 120 page carnet, journal
- In Japanese: 120 ページ ノート, ジャーナル, 日記