Never Skip A Beat
How I Took Charge of My Heart Condition to Live Life on My Terms
...And How You Can Too
Getting diagnosed with a heart condition can feel like the end of your life as you know it. At age 12, when I got my first pacemaker, I felt like my childhood was ripped away from me. Despite the incredible advances in medical treatment and devices, my heart condition ruled my life. At 22, when I made the decision to stop being a victim and start doing things that made me happy, I discovered the joys of living life on my terms.
In this thought provoking book, you will discover:
How baby steps actually become a big leap in reclaiming your life
Why daily gratitude can help you find the motivation to live bigger
The steps you must take to understand your condition
How you can find a way to do things despite your condition
How to turn your doctor into your biggest supporter
The must-know secrets for overcoming setbacks
Simple things you can do to feel good no matter how bad things may seem
How you can rediscover the joy of living regardless of your condition
Linda Nowak is an active lifestyle advocate for people with heart conditions, with a goal to become an international speaker. When she s not working in her thriving esthetics spa, she enjoys high intensity workouts at the gym, water skiing, and boating with her husband and two adult children.