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Understand the fundamental principles of neonatology and learn evidence-based care strategies
With coverage that strikes the perfect balance between proven management approaches and fundamental principles, this unique resource combines the benefits of a comprehensive neonatology textbook with a practical procedural guide.
You will get a detailed step-by-step instruction on diagnosis, management, and treatment of acute problems of the newborn as organized by organ system, based on the highest level of evidence available, along with a thorough review of topics such as epidemiology, ethics, legal issues in the NICU, monitoring devices, fluid requirements, and enteral nutrition.
A full-color presentation that includes hundreds of figures and tablesAn emphasis on proven care strategies for improved outcomesDetailed procedural instructionAn organ-system approach when discussing neonatal disordersA practical approach to all topics with detailed management approaches and proceduresNeonatology: Clinical Practice and Procedures will prove to be an outstanding refresher for any clinician involved in the diagnosis and management of newborn infants and a valuable instructional guide for junior staff and residents.