Divorce, separation, and couple breakups are on the rise in the United States of America, with about 48 percent of couples breaking up within nine years of starting a committed relationship.
Only a minority of distressed couples ever seek couple counseling-and those that stay together do not necessarily enjoy healthy relationships. Just as sadly, marriage counselors divorce at or about the national average.
The Need Management Therapy model asserts that positive change is possible and even likely. The authors offer a treatment package both for the professional in practice and a self-help guide for the non-professional.
We have successfully treated hundreds of couple-clients using the NMT model. We are now conducting a randomized pretest posttest two group design investigating several crucial NMT hypothesis (pending). Preliminary data suggest that significant and meaningful change may be achieved in just a few sessions.
When the NMT model is applied, couples report not fighting as much-and sometimes, fighting stops altogether. Communication improves dramatically.
If you're passionate about making your relationship work, you'll find a new science of love, intimacy, and relationships in Need Management Therapy.
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