He's quick. He's silent. He has five rows of deadly teeth. Chomp! Meet the shark--the fish who ruled the deep before dinosaurs roamed the Earth! This fish has soft cartilage so he can glide, twist, and turn before his prey can say "gulp!" He can smell a single drop of blood in...
He's quick. He's silent. He has five rows of deadly teeth. Chomp! Meet the shark--the fish who ruled the deep before dinosaurs roamed the Earth! This fish has soft cartilage so he can glide, twist, and turn before his prey can say "gulp!" He can smell a single drop of blood in...
Es r pido. Es silencioso. Tiene cinco filas de dientes mortales. Bocadito Te presentamos al tibur n- el pez que rein sobre los oc anos mucho antes de que vivieran los dinosaurios Este pez tiene un cart lago suave que le ayuda a deslizarse y dar vueltas antes de que sus presas...
He's quick. He's silent. He has five rows of deadly teeth. Chomp Meet the shark--the fish who ruled the deep before dinosaurs roamed the Earth This fish has soft cartilage so he can glide, twist, and turn before his prey can say "gulp " He can smell a single drop of blood in...
Es r?pido. Es silencioso. Tiene cinco filas de dientes mortales. Bocadito! Te presentamos al tibur?n-- el pez que rein? sobre los oc?anos mucho antes de que vivieran los dinosaurios! Este pez tiene un cart?lago suave que le ayuda a deslizarse y dar vueltas antes de que sus...
He's quick. He's silent. He has five rows of deadly teeth. Chomp Meet the shark--the fish who ruled the deep before dinosaurs roamed the Earth This fish has soft cartilage so he can glide, twist, and turn before his prey can say "gulp " He can smell a single drop of blood in...