Weather can be wild, freaky, and fascinating! Powerful twisters roar through homes; earthquakes shatter whole cities; hurricanes fly through towns. How does it all happen and how do we know what we do? All you need to know about weather and all of its wildness will be found in...
Weather can be wild, freaky, and fascinating! Powerful twisters roar through homes; earthquakes shatter whole cities; hurricanes fly through towns. How does it all happen and how do we know what we do? All you need to know about weather and all of its wildness will be found in...
See below for English description. La m?t?o peut ?tre ? la fois d?cha?n?e, effrayante et fascinante Tornades, tremblements de terre, ouragans. Pourquoi se produisent-ils? Que faire quand ils se produisent? Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la m?t?o...