Myths Of The Dog Gellert is a book written by S. Baring-Gould that explores the Welsh legend of Gellert, a faithful dog who saved his master's infant son from a wolf attack. The story takes a tragic turn when the master, Prince Llywelyn, returns home to find his home in disarray...
Myths of the Dog Gellert is a book written by Sabine Baring-Gould that explores the origins and legends surrounding the Welsh tale of the faithful hound, Gellert. The story tells of a prince who returns home to find his infant son missing and his loyal dog, Gellert, covered in...
Myths of the Dog Gellert is a book written by S. Baring-Gould that explores the legend of Gellert, a faithful dog in Welsh folklore. The story goes that Gellert saved the life of his owner, Prince Llywelyn, by attacking a wolf that was about to attack the prince's infant son...