"It's time to wake up," I hear soft whisper in my ear. I slowly open my eyes, but I can hardly make sense of what I'm seeing.
A little creature, maybe a child, a face of purity and calmness. A crown of flowers on its head; it gently steps towards me. "Welcome back. It's been a long time since your last journey into these lands," it says.
"Where am I? I can't remember a thing. Not even my name. Is this real?" I ask confused.
"It is the only real that I know. Now come, get on your feet and join me," it answers. Out of the trees a shadow of immense size steps out. A wolf, but huge, with pelage of bright snow color.
"Don't be afraid," the flower creature says, reading the fear in my eyes. "She knows that you are one of us. Now get on her back and ride to the elders in the forest. They need to see you."
I nod and get up on my feet. I realize that I am as small as the flower thing. The wolf patiently waits for me. "She is so tall I cannot ride her," despair grabs my throat.
"Fly " the flower creature laughs and disappears into the forest. Just now I notice the silky wings arching from my back. I jump and flap them in the air; I mount myself onto the wolf's back.
We ride into a dream of greenness; soft shadows and majestic oaks engulf us. We ride into a mythical land.
THIS BOOK GIVES YOU31 original, high quality hand-drawn illustrationsSingle-sided pages. No duplicates: Each coloring scene is an unique.Adults, teens, older kids: This coloring book welcomes everyone.Creatures: fairies, dwarfs, forest elves, centaur, mermaids, devils, sea creatures, wolves, fruit bat, birds and more.AN APPRECIATION TO YOUR COLORING SKILLSSometimes the real world is just too much. Join the Mythical Creatures story and color this fantasy world the way you feel it.