My Young Alcides is a novel written by Charlotte M. Yonge. The story is set in the mid-19th century and revolves around the life of a young boy named Alcides. Alcides, who is also known as Hercules, is the son of a wealthy merchant and is brought up in a privileged environment...
My Young Alcides is a novel written by Charlotte M. Yonge. The story follows the life of a young boy named Hercules (nicknamed Alcides) who grows up in ancient Greece. Alcides is the son of a wealthy nobleman and is trained in the art of warfare and hunting from a very young...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
"My Young Alcides", by Charlotte Mary Yonge. Charlotte Mary Yonge was an english novelist (1823-1901).
My Young Alcides is a novel written by Charlotte M. Yonge. The story revolves around the life of a young boy named Alcides, who is the son of a wealthy family. Alcides is born with a physical disability that makes him unable to walk. Despite his disability, Alcides is a bright...
This edition of My Young Alcides A Faded Photograph by Charlotte M. Yonge is given by Ashed Phoenix - Million Book Edition
Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901), was an English novelist, known for her huge output. She was devoted to the Church of England, and much influenced by John Keble, a near neighbour and one of the leaders of the Oxford Movement. Her novels reflected the values and concerns of Anglo-Catholicism...