"My visit with God" tells the incredible story of Paige Coffey, a woman who survived a horrific childhood of sexual abuse, violence and poor choices, yet whom God transformed into a life redeemed by the power of the cross! Experience her story like never before! Take a deeper look into her visit to Hell as described in her 700 Club testimony from 2012 and her visit from beyond the grave!
If you are reading this testimony, God has led you to do so. It is time to grow out of our four walls and into the fullness of the supernatural realm. Restoration and renewal are possible! Spiritual warfare is a must! What God did for Paige, He will do for you. Close the doors to the enemy and open the doors to the miraculous power of Jesus Christ in YOU!
"Come to me, all who are weary and
heavy-laden, and I will give you
rest" (Matthew 11:28)