Former governor of Wisconsin Marty Schreiber has seen his beloved wife, Elaine, gradually transform from the woman who had gracefully entertained in the Executive Residence to one who sometimes no longer recognizes him as her husband. In My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer's Caregiver, Marty candidly counsels those taking on this caregiving role. More than an account of Marty's struggles in caring for his wife, My Two Elaines also offers sage advice that respects the one with Alzheimer's while maintaining the caregiver's health. As two-thirds of those with Alzheimer's are women, he offers special guidance for men thrust into an unexpected job. With patience, adaptability, and even a sense of humor, Marty shows how love continues for his Second Elaine.
"Marty shares a story of struggle that will resonate with caregivers. With a true public servant's heart, he provides tips and encouragement sure to help male caregivers in particular." - Maria Shriver, Award-Winning Journalist and Founder
"I applaud My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer's Caregiver for focusing on Alzheimer's caregivers' trials and triumphs. Caregivers are heroes for their selflessness and love all while meeting challenges we never imagine. Cheers to Marty Schreiber as he shares how we as caregivers do everything we can to make sure our loved ones' physical needs are met, legacies are preserved and integrity remain in tact. - Jim Nantz, Founder of the Nantz National Alzheimer Center, National Sports Broadcaster