Finally, I way to track everything related to your VSG (The Sleeve) journey. This blank journal features tracking for:
Doctor InformationInsurance InformaitonBefore and After Pictures, Measurements and WeightThoughts/Feelings On-going Question Lists to remember what to ask at your appointmentsPain/Discomfort LevelsPeriods/BMsNotesNSV;s (non-scale victories)Hospital PlanMedical Leave PlanShopping ListsMeal PlanningExercise/Activity GoalsWater and Vitamin IntakeMedication ListFood Log/DiaryNutrition Plan/VisitsYou can customize your journal by using washi tape, colorful pens, inserting motivational pictures, stickers and quotes where you see fit. There is plenty of room in this large book for everything. A handy notebook for showing the doctor or nutritionist what you have been doing. Great motivation to keep going on your journey You can see where you have been and how far you have come.