Para Mar?a Isabel Salazar L?pez lo m?s dif?cil de ser la alumna reci?n llegada a una nueva escuela es que la maestra no la llama por su nombre. --Ya tenemos dos Mar?as en esta clase--le dice la maestra. -- Por qu? no te llamamos Mary? Pero a Mar?a Isabel la llamaron as?...
For Mar?a Isabel Salazar L?pez, the hardest thing about being the new girl in school is that the teacher doesn't call her by her real name. "We already have two Mar?as in this class," says her teacher. "Why don't we call you Mary instead?"
But Mar?a Isabel has been named...
For Mar?a Isabel Salazar L?pez, the hardest thing about being the new girl in school is that the teacher doesn't call her by her real name. We already have two Mar?as in this class, says her teacher. Why don't we call you Mary instead?
But Mar?a Isabel has been named for...
Para Mar?a Isabel Salazar L?pez lo m?s dif?cil de ser la alumna reci?n llegada a una nueva escuela es que la maestra no la llama por su nombre. --Ya tenemos dos Mar?as en esta clase--le dice la maestra. -- Por qu? no te llamamos Mary? Pero a Mar?a Isabel la llamaron as?...
Third-grader Maria Isabel, born in Puerto Rico and now living in the United States, wants badly to fit in at school; and the teacher's writing assignment My Greatest Wish gives her that opportunity