* New and Improved Pages *
This beautiful pregnancy journal is geared towards two mommies. It is the perfect gift for the new mommies-to-be, or even for experienced moms who want a way to record their memories of each pregnancy as a keepsake for each of their children when they are older.
This is the perfect keepsake gift to capture the memories of your pregnancy forever, so that you can all revisit it in years to come. Take a sneak peek of the book's interior with the "Look Inside" feature on Amazon.
This pregnancy memory journal consists of space to help you record your memories EVERY WEEK of your pregnancy starting at Week 4. The size 8.5" X 11" pages provide you with plenty of room to journal. There is also plenty of blank pages, important for those of you who like to journal your thoughts freely, without the restrictions of a book full of set questions. The cover is beautiful with a cute gender-neutral interior.
Examples of the NEW AND IMPROVED types of pages you will find inside this beautiful journal include:
Pregnancy Journal Pages to record when you first found out you were pregnant plus space to record Weeks 4 - 41 (just in case you're overdue ) of the pregnancy. Each page allows you to include a photo of your baby bump (or any photo of your choosing ) each week. Alternately, there is a photo gallery in the back of the book where you can simply add monthly photos instead (or do both ).
3 journal pages to summarize each of your trimesters
Space for both mommies to write "My First Love Letter to My Baby"
"Fun Predictions" pages so you and friends can guess the baby's gender, birth date, etc.
"Fun Facts" about your Baby's growth each weekli>
"Before You Were Born" pages on the prices of commons items, world news & events.
Space for listing your Baby Name Ideas
"Growing a Healthy Baby Meal Planner" blank page to customize your eating as you like
Foods/Drinks to Avoid & Ones to Add to Your Shopping List
BONUS: Exercise During Pregnancy - Questions that Need Answering
Newborn Baby Shopping List
Maternity Hospital Bag Checklist for pregnant mommy and her mommy partner
Record of Our Prenatal Appointments
Our Baby Shower
My Sonogram Photos
Fetal Movements Tracking Charts
Our Birth Plan
Nursery Room Ideas
Our Family Tree (includes both mommies)
Important Pre-Birth Questions & Considerations
The Birth
Page for Baby's First Photo and First Family Photos
This journal makes a great gift or memory keepsake that the new mommies-to-be will treasure for years.
Make the decision to record the memories of your pregnancy, and you will always be grateful that you did. This is something you can also share with your child in years to come.