"Which house had the gorgeous kitchen but the tiny master bedroom? Was the one with the swimming pool close to schools? I can't keep track..."
Whether it's a first home, next home or the right investment, purchasing a new house can be an overwhelming and nerve-wracking task. with this house buying and moving planner you'll feel confident moving into this next life stage.From working out your budget and expenses and how much you can realistically save to keeping track of all the amenities of each home you visit to organizing moving day, with this workbook buying your new home will be a breeze. Then, plan ahead for the big move by checking off your list of service providers to contact, where all your local amenities are, keep a record book of what's in each box so you can find everything with ease and much, much more. Moving day has never been so easy.
Address Information Change RemindersReal Estate Contact SheetProperty Inspection ChecklistsHouse Hunting ReportsHouse Hunting Checklists (detailed)House Hunting NotepadBudget & Expense SheetsTo Do: New ResidenceTo Do: Current ResidenceMoving Day PlannerPacking ListsStart/Stop Utility TrackersMoving Box Inventory SheetsRoom Planner PagesAnd moreBuying a house has never been so easy.