Information in our DNA can predict our future health. Biotechnology advances enable medical scientists to produce cells that fight tumors. Wearable devices measure our vital signs while at home. What we would have considered science fiction a decade ago is quickly advancing modern health care, and we haven't seen anything yet.
Trained physician and medical futurist Dr. Bertalan Mesko, author of The Guide to the Future of Medicine, offers us a fresh look at how innovative technologies enable us to change health care for the long term. He shares advances such as the present reality of surgical robots and tackles questions such as whether nanorobots will ever swim in our bloodstream or whether actual, functioning organs can be made with 3-D printers.
To keep readers grounded in the here and now, Dr. Mesko discusses how he uses technology to monitor and improve his own health. From charting his sleeping patterns to using exercise motivation apps, he gives us detailed examples of how we can use technology to live a healthy and proactive life.
If you want an exciting and practical demonstration of where health care and medicine is heading, then My Health: Upgraded is for you.